The modern global supply chain is an incredible feat of ingenuity and problem-solving.
It is a major reason for the high standard of living enjoyed by billions of people across
the planet, and it’s an astonishing tool for economic growth.
But we all know that it’s far from perfect. At every link in the chain, products are
destroyed, lost or otherwise devalued. Some of that waste is inevitable; extreme
weather, unexpected events and simple bad luck will always lead to glitches in supply.
However, a lot of the waste in the supply chain is preventable – and that waste is
costing the global economy billions of dollars every year. Delays, spoilage, damage
and loss are expensive at a macro level, and for individual organisations, and the
cost to your business can be cumulative. Rejected goods are financially painful
and consumer returns are immensely time consuming – depleting your brand’s
profitability, reputation and customer loyalty.
Read the full White Paper on Supply Chain Waste >>